Friday, December 3, 2010

Know Your Author: Radhakrishnan 'Chanakya' Pillai

Mr. Radhakrishnan Pillai, fondly known as CHANAKYA Pillai, is a teacher to his students, an author to his readers, a management trainer, consultant and guide to his clients. Mr. Pillai was conferred with the Sardar Patel National award 09 for this research on Chanakya and his principles. His first book 'The Corporate Chanakya' has created record for the highest number of pre-release sales for any first book of an author. So in conversation with the Management guru himself...

‘Corporate Chanakya’ is your first book, so how did the book came into being or what inspired you to write the book?
Two things – First Chinmaya Mission I have been a part of Chinmaya Mission since childhood. Therefore there was always an inclination to read ancient Indian scriptures.  I had studied the 6000 sutras of Kautilya’s Arthashastra at the Chinmaya International Foundation. Second I liked to keep notes of all that I do.  So during my training programs I kept notes of all the problems that I solved for companies. So finally all that came into a book form called Corporate Chanakya.

How did the transformation happen from a management guru to a fiction writer?
Management Guru is a big word. Yes I love to be called a writer. So when people call me a Guru and a writer of management I say it is because of the little steps that I have taken to understand how companies work, how leaders think and how to make a person more productive and efficient. For me writing also is nature’s gift. My father is a writer so I naturally got it in my genes.
Tell us the history behind affixing ‘Chanakya’ in your name?
That is very interesting. My friend Muulraj Chheda Director of SPM group of companies had offered his support to promote my work on Chanakya and its teachings. During the time I was doing my research he said “Branding you as a person who is connected with the work of Chanakya is important” So he called a Branding expert. The expert Mr Dhawal Bhatia said. “To have a good recall of the work you are doing on Chanakya – it’s important to name you as Chanakya”… I did not like the idea initially as how can I be called by such a great name?

He said – “Do not people from rotary call themselves as Rotarian Mr so & so... do not people who practise medicine use the name Doctor in all their names. Those who practise law call themselves lawyers or advocates. So if you are teaching Chanakya – use the name Radhakrishnan ‘Chanakya’ Pillai… “

This is how it began. It was a name given or I would say imposed on me. However I clearly remember Muulraj also saying at that point. “It also comes with a responsibility – so make sure you live up to it…”

I have heard you have worked extensively on your book for 8 years. How true is it?
Yes it is true. I went to Kerala to study the book under Dr Gangadharan Nair the book Kautilyas’ Arthashastra in original Sanskrit the 6000 sutras. There was only one teacher and one student. The course was designed only for me. Swami Advayananda of Chinmaya Mission made this arrangement for me. I am thankful to all of them. The research and its application continue even today.

Tell us more about your book and how the things noted in your book can be implied or adapted in a person’s day to day life?
This book has been designed in a format that even a common man can understand. Even though it is called ‘Corporate Chanakya’ it can be used by anyone. There are topics like ‘how to conduct a good meeting’ How to be a good leader, How to plan your taxes etc.

Thus you will find that anyone can connect to the book. The best part is that the book is divided into 175 short chapters. Each chapter takes only three minutes to read. Open any page and you can start from there.

What kind of research did you do for ‘Corporate Chanakya’ and how different is it from ‘Chanakya Neeti or Chanakya Shastra’?
Chanakya Niti and Arthashastra are two different books written by Chanakya himself. Arthashastra is a huge book of 6000 sutras. What I have done in ‘Corporate Chanakya’s is pick up about 200 sutras of Arthashastra and interpret the same into a method our generation understands. I have not made it academic in nature. It is bringing back Chanakya to our generation through this book.

Tell us more about the writing experience of ‘Corporate Chanakya’ and were there any particular time period while writing this book where you faced difficulties to write?
Not at all. I enjoyed writing this book. I never started to write a book. I just started keeping notes of what I have understood. It was a task of over four and a half years. When Jaico approached me to write a book I said “I am ready”. I had to just compile the notes and in a few months all that came out in a book form called ‘Corporate Chanakya’.

How was your growing up years? How did your family react to when you took to writing this book?
They were very excited. They supported me a lot. Infact they were the first people who asked me ‘when is it coming out?” Today it has gone for 10 reprints in a matter of 3 months from its release. They read my interviews and book reviews and are thrilled. Infact when visitors and guests come home they proudly show my achievements.

Who are your favourite authors and which is your favourite book?
Quite a few. Reading is my passion since childhood. I have a library at home with a collection of over 3000 books. So at times its difficult to point out a few. However some to come in the top of my mind are - Swami Chinmayananda and Swami Vivekananda in their various books. Richard Bach (One, Jonathan living seagull), Steven Covey (7 habits of highly effective people) and various commentaries on Mahabharata, Ramayana and Upanishads.

Do you think India has become a huge market for reading books? If yes, then what has influenced this change?
Yes true this is because of our population which is getting educated. And it will only grow. Imagine 65 % of our 1 billion populations is literate that is huge readership market. Now after 10 years when we have 100% literacy all of them can be a potential market. But it’s important to create the habit of reading as a culture. The chain of book shops that are coming up, the on line book stores all will play a critical role in this progress.

What’s your take on Indian fiction writers using colloquial language in their books?
No book can reach the masses unless you use the common man’s word. Only then will they connect. Fiction is different from academic books. Academic books are for certain section of society like students, teachers, scholars etc. One has to be perfect in the same. In case of fiction we have to think out of the box so using colloquial language is unavoidable.

What is that one thing about you that your fans don’t know about?
I love to be with kids. Watch me with children and you will understand that I am different man. At the same time I am teacher and a professor a very strict one. I am professor at the University of Mumbai. Ask them about my teaching style they will tell you a different aspect of mine.

So to be a joker in front of children and a strict yet lovable teacher in front of grown up students this aspect mine is hardly known.

What are your future projects and when is your next book expected to release?
Let me sell my first book to the maximum. I do not plan to write for the next 3 years. What is the hurry when you have a good product?  I have a personal target of selling Corporate Chanakya about 10 lakh copies. The next book will automatically sell. So now it is the time for marketing my first book more and not write another book.

How is writing as a career? Do you recommend aspiring fiction and non-fiction writers to take up full time writing?
In my case I was never a full time writer. But those who plan to do it should work on their finances in a practical manner. Writing is a time consuming activity. If you are a married person with family responsibilities you have to look at your finances properly. Or due to the demands in family even your writing quality will suffer.  So balance it out. Be passionate and practical about writing.

What is your message to our today’s youngsters?
Read. Read. Read all kinds of books and on all subjects. As a nation we do not have a good reading culture beyond text books. As they say “Leaders are readers….” So if you want to be successful in life read a lot. India is a great country and one of its strength is literature. So read those books on our history and tradition as well.

How do you describe yourself in just one word?

Last not the least a question I like to ask every author I interview, have you read my book ‘Knocked Up’? If no then when do you intend to read it J? If yes then what are your comments?
Yes I have gone through the book. I know its contents and subject matter. Will be reading it before 11th Dec 10 for the book reading you have invited me for. But I can tell you that when I go through the book reviews in various newspapers they are very good. I am sure it is a bestseller!!!

(interviewed by Shaiju Mathew)

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